Simply Spaced
Simply Spaced
By: Monica Leed
Broken into projects by room, across a “year of clear,” the 3-step method dispels the myth that you can’t learn to be organized.
Simply Spaced teaches you to think like a professional organizer. Learn to simplify like a pro by implementing the fail-safe method to declutter any space, keeping only what you love, need, and use. Streamline your home and take back control by optimizing space with strategic storage. And finally, style your home to inspire creativity and connection.
Monica Leed, CEO and owner of Simply Spaced, will reshape how you think about your home and belongings. Her practical tips make getting organized desirable, achievable, and sustainable. She’s made this all possible through a belief that simplicity and order create the mental and physical space we all need to thrive. Complete with checklists and tear-out worksheets, Monica shares her best advice on how to create a home that “rises up to meet you.”